Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Diet: 2nd day well literary 1st day again

I was good, TG... but with a few slip ups.. but kept to my limit of 5 meals in the day... small meals.. my penalty an extra 5 mins on the bike at the gym... I think I have to enforce penalties so I learn...

so what did I have; mmmm no cheating
breaky: oatmeal and 2 spoons of pancit (filo noodles)
snack: berry juice & 1 piece of kiwi
lunch: pancit noodel (small take away container)
snack: cheese - small brie, cheddar cube 4, 3 feta cubes, salami 2 slices, 3 water crackers, small handful of chips, olives
snack: 1 kiwi fruit & banana
dinner: rice with monggo and little pancit (small portions of course)
and and to wash it all down 1 1/2 pots of green tea...

i did good so far for the first day... I think I will stick to this.. small portions and lots of fruits and veggies and drink lots of fluids..

tomorrow - special K for breakfast, lots of fruits still in between and no more slip ups just plain fruits for snacks... tea/water/juice and for dinner - baked asparagus, mushrooms & chicken schnitzel..

Oh I received this awesome read - wait let me copy and paste it here..
~oh now its too long and i'm trying to keep my blog to certain length.. mmm here's the link though worth the read and quite true if you think about it..


enough of dieting - i have another issue - my heart... today out of all days i'm starting to feel ehh... *sigh* ehhhhh i'm feeling

emo days - where i'm thinking and loosing faith if he is out there... and will it be too late if ever.. I still want a family with kids and feels like time is ticking.. i feel pressured... and then my gff starting posting soppy songs on fb.. so msged if she's in the senti mood and she is.. so she chatted about the songs and i listened, and got hooked.. OMG the Carpenters were on repeat... soppy songs alright.. old skool.. hahaha - while listening to these songs I was karaoke'ing (a word i've made up) and singing to them all.. OMG showing my age... hihi

so there.. i'm in that mood - senti, time of the month and dieting all rolled into one... talk about timing... brighter side.. its life.. without these "thrills" then we will have no life a boring life... so life continues... dieting continues... being senti mood continues... i will pass this phase, get over it and life brightens... i'm just pms'ing hihi

lessons for today: mmmm.... no matter what life brings u, u must soldier on... just remember there's a silver lining in everything...

till next time.... xoxo

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