Sunday, November 7, 2010

Semi Lazy Sunday

Oh gosh, I forgot to blog last night as I was really tired so i'm doing it this morning... woopsy...

so how's my Sunday.. well semi lazy Sunday that's for sure... hihi woke up early - damn internal clock and then tweeted and fb then off to la-land once again... then I was awoken by my parents as breakfast is ready... so had garlic rice cooked in longganisa fats yummy... and scrambled eggs & bacon... then just fb'd till I got ready to go to Ikea - free food, well you pay for the food and whatever amount you spent is your discount, I say its a good marketing deal as you tend to spend more than what you ate.

So off I went to Ikea with my mom... got some good ideas to my house renovations, what it may look and how much we would spend... not too bad and loving the new Ikea displays.. I love it there... mom bought some new curtains.. as christmas is approaching... so got one from the kiddies section, nice and colourful... then just a few odds and ends.. bought a big bin to put some of my junk...

I love IKEA for their innovative stuff... and for the affordable prices... love it love it love it... oh and i ate of course.. hehe and have some idea for xmas gifts... yay... productive =)

breaky: garlic rice, with tocino, longganisa, tapa, scrambled eggs w/bacon, vinegar with chilli, garlic
lunch: swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes, bit of salmon, potato cake thing, princess cake, daim cake
dinner: grilled chicken wings marinated, sinigang prawns and rice

so there you go, off the wagon again... i surely hate the weekend well the eating part that is, I just need to get off my lazy ass.. hehehe

I did clear my shed, placed all my stuff out and hoping that today (Monday) it shines, will air it out...

Well that was my lazy weekend, I'm hoping next weekend I won't be in the lazy state...

no lessons for this blog because I totally forgot, and so not in the mood unlike lastnight.. so

till next time... xoxo

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