Saturday, November 13, 2010

it's all about me...

oh my i forgot to do a blog yesterday... oh wells i'll blog it all... so the boring bits..

Friday menu
breakfast: spam & egg, rice
snack: fruit salad
lunch: hamburger & chips
snack: fruit salad
dinner: spam & egg, rice, porkchop
 mmm what happened yesterday? well nothing that i can blog such a boring day/night... usual stuff... work, drive home, fb.. what a night... just chatting to parents reminiscning things the past etc... normal night...
 Saturday - date with my bru...

breakfast: garlic rice & pork chop with vinegar garlic sauce
snack: none
lunch: poached chicken with rocket, pesto dressing, avocado, mushroom
snack: mm's
dinner: chilli chicken, flat rice noodles, fried bbq lamb w/chilli and bowl of rice
 today was all about me... its supposedly be taking my bru out for her bday but it ended up to be a "me" thing with a good friend... stress free, talking about life - sex life, relationships, siblings, anything and everything...
so the day starts off as picked up bru, then went to "magnolia square" at randwick race course... nice place love the stalls and bought photo thingys so cute.. the stalls are so home made, so cute... i love it.. the people are so smart at thinging of those crafty stuff..

it wasn't as big as i thought i think because they choose who sells... which is good.. so we stayed for awhile, then we were going to paddington for lunch... we saw a market in a pub so tried to find parking, so we did and we were about to walk up the hill then backtrack at the cafe we saw... and ended up staying there hahaha had our poached chicken salad - rocket, mushroom, avocado with pesto salad & sour dough... yummz we enjoyed it... love the atmosphere.. felt like in another city all together but up the road its such a hussle and bussle sooo nicee... love to live around there.. *sigh* one day maybe..
 so we stayed for awhile at the cafe.. then decided to go to broadway for ice cream as we had "grass" for lunch and watch a movie... got to broadway and no movies we can watch at that time, so we decided to go around to buy something to wear at bru's bday tomorrow... so bought accessories as can't find anything else... then had a pamper time - spa pedi/mani then shopped @ priceline...
dinner was spent at china town at this tiny chinese place specialising in chili chicken yummz.. then walked to chinese mall to this place the "pink" shop and its sooo cute, its a treasure inside.. thanks bru for taking me there.. its my new favourite it... the youthful shop i shall call it... so we'll see if the new range of youthful creams will my skin look fresh... hihi will keep u posted...

so that ended my night... i love it... tomorrow is another packed day before i start tackling my reports... OMG =)
 today i won't have any lessons any tweets phrases... i had a great time....

so till next time... xoxo

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