Friday, November 5, 2010

Rainy Friday...

TGIF... its still raining... its meant to be hot and sunny... err "SPRING"... where is it??
had a glimpse of it last week but didn't last long.. i'm loving the cold of course but at least bring out the sun.. i'm lacking Vitamin D aka sun on my skin.. hihi... maybe i shouldn't whinge too much about it, because when its hot I want it cooler... can't satisfy me that's for sure... well thats what i want to let out... why can't we settle for what we have.. we whinge about one thing and when its there staring at us, we whinge for something else.. OMG.. serious
FCUK 'EM... seriously... if the others don't like it tough...
so you're asking what i'm going on about... well let's just say there's a certain rule and what it say goes... I say fcuk em, if they don't like what you want done then too bad... what is up with that? i surely don't know.. we're adults, we work to earn and we run our own lives.. but yet the way it is, its like being in highschool... you just don't know...

anyways, i just need to let steam out... coz i'm sick of reasoning out... i guess i should just drop it... i can't make people change their minds, nor can i make everyone happy... so i will just breathe in and sigh out...

so my diet.... i was kinda bad... i call it a "reward" day...
breaky: all bran honey almonds
snack: mango, orange & kiwi
I whinge yes, but hearing other people whinge over stupid things... sigh... i'm sick of it... no matter you reason out still nothing.. stubborn... i guess i would be hard headed as well if I was on their shoes... so i say....

lunch: grilled burger & handful of chips literary converts to about 1 med potato
dinner: fried egg, garlic rice cooked in tapa oil and of course tapa... (tapa is a thinly sliced beef marinated salted with salt, sugar, pepper and other secret stuff - this is fried slightly and eat it with chilli vinegar or tomatoes with a little hint of fish sauce) heaven
snack: 2x coconut bread one of my fav...

mmm what else... work wise, we were busy coz a certain skank (friend) is on his way overseas... and i'm stuck doing his task... talk about bludger, meant to be on training mode but NOOOOOOOO he's off overseas... hihi... can u feel the jealousy... haha
well this is a good example of whinging... i whinge but i make do with what is out there, so what do i do? make do with who's at work and get along... so today was good.. had a few laughs especially teasing everyone's "Drool boy" errr *pukes* not my type.... and gave him $hiet.. haha poor thing...

lesson for today.... mmmm well that's it.. do what pleases you and if some opposes, well too bad...

till next time.... xoxo

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