Wednesday, November 3, 2010

3rd day... loving it...

3rd day of my diet and guess what, i'm surviving... it is only the 3rd day, well technically 2nd first was a fail... hihi

so food intake for today are;
breaky: rice + munggo (mung bean dish)
snack: berry juice
lunch: an apple & lean meat pie
dinner: rice + munggo

so tired after my Zumba that I didn't have energy to cook my veg & chicken... I'll just have that during lunch...

I'd love to dedicate this to my "ANGELS" who keeps tab on what I eat and also pushes me to my limit.. like I was feeling lazy to go to gym after work and someone pushed me so I went and good thing I loved the class... it was an invigorating Zumba class... I loved it, love the energy and the sweat that came with it... with so much adrenalin I wanted to do more exercise but I was just too tired, so I went home...

so exercise and diet check, so what about the rest of me... mmm

well i'm still pms'ing well slightly now... still in the OPM (official pilipino music) I think thats what it is - basically soppy lovey dovey filipino songs with strong words about breakups, love etc... and my bgf (best girlfriend) well she's in the same boat... feel bad for her though, you see she's been so inlove with someone that well mmm well that's just it.. a big question mark... signs are there but nothing so what is it... and its just not easy to just blurb it out as there's consequences and I guess its not something she wishes to cross so she's been going through this day in day out for years.. i think 5+ years? i would not know what to do if i was in her shoes.. i'll go nuts that's for sure... as her special day is coming up will be whisking her away and we shall have a relaxing day, doing nothing but relax, chat and eat well munch hahaha healthily of course.. hihi and maybe catch some sun =)

so that's me, love life = 0... just feels like that time is running out but its all on my mind so gotta slow down the clock inside and enjoy life...

work well ehhh, i hope i get the backup job for WFO, doing scheduling etc so x-fingers!

for the rest.. nothing.. taking life as it comes...

lesson for today.... mmmmmz never loose sight in your dreams and wants, if you work hard enough for it you will succeed... i just hope soo...

till next time.... xoxo

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