Thursday, November 4, 2010

another day another success

well hello world... 4th day... and doing great... adrenalin is kicking in.. even though after work i may seem tired, when i'm at the gym i'm loving it... i hope i'll be a gym junkie soon... so i can shed these kilos...

i know its early days, here's a thought... i know i've been in this road before and everytime i'm enjoying myself i feel down after why because what if once i loose all this weight then i will meet someone or even a few... so unfair though because for me, what i look out for is what's in the inside not whats outside.. whether your tall, short, fat, thin its still you inside but yet first impression surely does matter... i've always had this thought that if i meet the right person then no matter what i look like as long as he loves me for who i am, then that's it, i will do everything in my power to shed the kilos... so why am i really going on a diet and wanting to feel healthy? to be happy? for me or to find mr right? mmmm

well one thing's for sure... i am doing this for my health and to prove to myself that i dont need a man to feel happy and healthy... and if he does come along well.. we will shall see... i'm not closing the chapter nor starting one... time will tell and will blog about it if there is...

as for my diet today well good... distraction is the way to go...

breaky: milk & all-bran honey almond
snack: kiwi fruit & orange
lunch: chicken schitzel, baked mushroom & asparagus
snack: kiwi fruits
dinner: rice & mung beans (yes i know again, too tired to cook and my dad didn't cook oh wells left overs yummo anyways) + 1 tiny sesame ball
and most important of them all - pot of tea...this time I used chinese green tea loose and i think its earl tea or something... so bitter but i dont mind..

my lunch looky looky yummz with a squeeze of lemon
so again with the subject of the heart.. well, the friend i was telling you before.. well just giving up... not entirely give up, just giving up on the thought of her and him... i say good on her, its been years... its time to learn to love herself first and enjoy what you have and make do with it.. if she wants something then go go go... my new motto in life.. go go go.. haha

as for me - well i'm good as i am... my priorities at this time is all about me - loving me and being healthy full stop .

lesson for today - love yourself before you love others... that is what it is...

till next time... xoxo

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