Thursday, November 11, 2010

all about relationships

going thru my tweets today and i thought hmmm, there's quite a few that i really like and share with you...

"love is blind, doesn't mean you always have to follow your heart and pay no mind to your head"
"The saddest thing that can happen is when one falls in love while the other wants nothing more than friendship."
"The most difficult thing = Hide your tears behind your smile."
and the most like one is
"I am me. I am not willing to change for you, or anyone else. Take me as I am, or watch me as I go." SNAP SNAP SNAP

so lets start... i'm not PMS'ing or anything but i'm in that mood with my experience on "relationship" "love" and everything else that goes with it...
everyone around me seems to be in love... my "skankalicious" group seems to be in happy mood because of LOVE so why not... i am a hopeless romantic after all... 

so lets start - my friends here well, most are married now so that's okay... only a handful of us are still single as in single no relationship and i think they're ok with it, meaning they're accepting and dating and whatever... my skank friends well they're in loveeeeeeeee and they do deserve to be in love... but its hard to fall for someone that you know will not be around with you aka long distance... not only is it a BIG challenge but its also all about trust... and a true test in your relationship otherwise.. there is always a will... as they say love conquers all... to those that are strong... i on the other hand is skeptical when it comes to long distance.. i know people who's survived and lived a happy ever after life and there are others that did not... i guess it all depends on the individual/s... 
as for me - again, i'm not too sure... we shall see... at this time of life yes i do dream of falling in love and be loved and am hopeful xfingers hehehe but one day it will come, but for now my focus will be "ME" and how to be a better me - health wise... 

in the flip side - love hurts i should know, i was burnt from past relationship.. its just been recent when i woke up and thought - i'm happy where i am and i've accepted it all, no more regrets no more anything... done deal... had dinner with a group of ladies tonight and half were married and half were single - have a friend who is well lets say lacking in the love department... i feel for her.. she's never really had one and the ones that she falls for well.. yeh.. hopeless case..

so that's my take on love on this fine day!! weather is getting hotter so i can't wait, coz i know i'll be sweating my butt off at the gym or wherever... sweat is good and my friend.. hehe more intake on drinks so will be taking more than 2L that's for sure... 

so the boring bit:
breaky: rice and meat (beefstik - meat marinated in lemon & soysauce)
snack: watermelon
snack: none
dinner: Korean BBQ - meats (proteins galore), kimchi, mushrooms, cup of rice, watermelon slices
drinks: water, tea
10x spirulina tablets

so that's it for me... "it is what it is"

till next time... xoxo

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