Sunday, October 31, 2010

1st day Dieting

its 5.07pm and all I've had today was half cup of veggie soup, 2 kiwi fruit, 2 bananas, an apple... I can't do the soup diet... it was such a struggle for me to eat/drink the soup... each spoonful I wanted to gak... OMG soup diet is not for me..

I have however, survived so far... I haven't had anything but fruits..but will I survive dancing tonight without my stomach rumbling? I guess I'll have to see... Is this a healthy way to loose weight? forcing myself to do things?? mmmm... and and and its ruining my patience with others... this may be a crush diet which is a no go from what I hear...

so what to do? maybe try another approach in the diet world... lemon detox diet?? shakes?? i can't do shakes done it before and just like the soup it makes me gak... suppress diet pills? the only problem with that is, I have to take it 30 mins before eating.. err I forget... Oh gosh, how am I going to survive... 1st day not even an entire day and all I can think about is to eat...

I think the best way to loose is to eat healthily all the way... we shall see... the night is young..  I am still surviving - will power... otherwise jokingly I mentioned to a friend - plastic surgery here I come... hihi

will finish my blog later tonight and keep u guys posted... till later... xoxo

11.02pm reflecting on what happened today... as I FAILED! =( i gave in for dinner and ate... i incorporated lots of veggies in the meal but as I robbed my body of proper food i ate a lot.. =( i had rice... god help me.. and i ate ... not a lot, but instead of stopping i just ate... now i'm thinking what i can do... I love food, i'm a cook so I love food... who doesn't love food... i dont deny it...

so the only way really to enjoy food and loose weight is to lessen my intake, incorporate more veggies, fruit, nuts into my daily intake of food and plenty of water... that i can do... i will do 5 small meals a day... a handful of nuts, fruits during snack time, and if I'm hungry will munch on a fruit... and of course exercise... that i am okay with, as I am determine to exercise even if it kills me =)

i need to research more abt the health bit... what kind of foods are good and what are bad... so in the coming days I will write down what I've eaten... I will also note down everything that I pop in my mouth so that I can see what I have eaten... no cheating - cheating is just robbing yourself... so yeah...

today I failed... tomorrow is a new day i will perservere and soldier on...

till next tomorrow... xoxo

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