Monday, November 8, 2010

Manic Monday....

Well its Tuesday morning and once again I wasn't able to blog lastnight... laziness... I hate feeling like this...

After work, went straight home as the weather was turning sour - hail storm and severe thunderstorm warning is in place so hurriedly went home... got home and was tired and hungry.. wanted to nap first before heading to dancing... failed super failed... laziness kicked in and I can't seem to brush it off... mind over matters mind over matters, well matters won this time around!! sucks yeh... *sigh* i surely need some kicking.. I miss having a personal trainer, but I don't have the dosh right now.. too damn broke...

the day went alright.. was good foodwise until the night... OH GOSH what is wrong with me.. arrgg seriously... i'm in the low and can't snap out of it... I need to snap out of this big time... can't stay lowwwww this long... sucks... so here's my food intake..

breaky: special K with berries cereal, full cream milk
snack: banana
lunch: rice, sauteed pork mince with choco (sayote)
dinner: garlic rice cooked in longganisa fat, sauteed pork mince with sayote
snack: 5 spoons of coconut/fruit salad (filo style with cream)
sayote plant
5 tablets of spirulina
sauteed pork mince with sayote

yeps, i've started taking spirulina as well... I forgot to take in the morning as i was hurrying.. I was taking it before and I stopped, as I'm lazy when it comes to medicines.. my mom lost heaps of weight with spirulina so I'm hoping I would too that is if I stick to it... 

another thing - i don't know what to do on facebook now... i mean i am always so eager before, now I log in, check out friend's stats, comment if need be and just do my games and thats it... once done it seems so boring now... so i went to bed, well watched tv then went to bed late, so woke up Tuesday morning so tired... arrgggg

in a brighter note: i just bought myself a bedroom set from my friends... so awesome, such bargain... I was in a look out anyways for something good and it seems okay their bed frames... so I bought.. yay... now i have to overhaul my room and get rid of stuff... I do want to get the floor boards in too... mm, wonder when I will be able to do that... hopefully soon... 

so lesson for today - got it from tweet world: "Don't make decisions when you're extra angry, and don't make promises when you're extra happy!" AMEN!!! thats why when I know i'm angry and I'm getting pissed off, i retract to my hole aka bedroom and stay quiet instead of blurring out my thoughts which may backfire.. and same as being too happy can't make promises I can't keep... *sigh*

so i leave you that lesson for today... something to think about... need to have some self control... i've learnt that it is true.. your life is at ease if ever...

so till next time... xoxo

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