Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Terrible Tuesday!?!??!!

so its Tuesday... well not really as its Wednesday here.. once again was too lazy to blog lastnight, but my mind is still fresh... i ain't old yets? hehe

yesterday was a hectic day... so work was super busy, and my catching up with friends were also busy and my friends overseas... it amazes me my group of friends here (mind you I don't have much) our conversations has gone from food to bigote (moustache) haha it's rather funny... you just to be in it... its such a love... i love my friends... they're like 2nd family... we get on so well big time... we all have different personalities and we know each other too well to know if someone is joking around or serious... love it... extended family that's for sure.. without them each person will go insane...

so i've been tweeting - handy to have an iphone that's for sure... well not so much of myself tweeting, i'm following some rather interesting people... i'm not into celebrities much... only celeb i have is Ryan Seacrest, Nicole Richie, Ellen - love Ellen and i think that's it... and the rests are inspirational people - @ihatequotes, @tsw - the single woman, DalaiLama and such, ohh not forgetting Food Network.. hihi... and i have had a few inspirational quotes that I use for my fb... and if i need to vent out i do it there.. thanks to my gff she gave me the idea... and also my bff for pushing me to go on it as he's there more than fb, but so dah coz he's got his tweeter linked with his fb... hahaha i don't.. u see family are on fb..so if i need to vent i'm on tweet expressing my feelings..achuchu.. haha

anyways, so my daily intake of food - well it was ok, until night time, my parents asked to get me to go to Sizzlers for dinner - all you can eat buffet - steak, salads are endless... and i must say I was good - plateful of salads and tastes of other stuff... so here's my list for today

breakfast/snack: banana, bacon and egg on brown bread with little butter and cracked pepper
lunch: half chicken schnitzel homous, tabouli wrap
dinner: plateful of salads, 2 spoonful of pesto pasta, small serving of spag to just taste, dessert: pavlova, choc mousse, jelly and custard (a spoonful - honest)
10x tablets of spirulina

oh that spirulina made me gooo, as in... hehe

so my quote for today "If we have a good heart, a warm heart, warm feelings, we will be happy and satisfied overselves" dalailama

i totally agree - major major like... its true.. think about it.. if u have a good heart, warm heart warm feelings it simply means we're happy and satisfied... so if we apply it to our everyday thinking then the world will be happy =) hihi

anyways, till next time...ohh yeh.. xoxo

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