Wednesday, November 10, 2010

hump Day... yay

as my diet part of my life is quite boring, i thought i'd change the way I blog... so as I've said before i've been tweeting.. well not me personally tweeting but reads inspirational phrases and those that relates to me, i post on fb or re-tweeted..
so here's my tweet for today...
"True friends see the beauty of your soul & stand in awe, rather than standing in judgement of your flaws" tsw (the single woman) love her tweets favvvvv...

so applying that phrase to my everyday life and experiences... well its true..  think about it.. your true friend is someone who will be there for your thru thick and thin... they last longer than relationships so they know you inside out... i think they know you too well than your own family... so they do see the beauty and the bad of your soul and stand beside you all the way or in some cases tells you its wrong.. its up to yourself to take it in and trust or not but still your friend is there beside you all the way.. true friendship... yes sometimes they can judge you but because they love you and don't want anything bad for you, so once again its up to you to take it in as you please - angry or not... i say people come in and go during your life but finding a true blue friend is rare.. someone whom you can trust thru out with anything your darkest secrets etc... i have not found one that i am comfortable to say every little niknaks of my life... i have had a few which knows more of me, but not all... i dont know.. i have issues when it comes to opening up every single thing...
i am grateful though that i have made a lifelong friendship with a handful of people whom i adore.. actually i have a few group of friends who i so care and love... friends as i say is my 2nd family and most important in my life...

so friends hay... in another note of friendships - i was in chat with a group of friends another set that is... and everyone seem to hate a certain person... someone whom i never have thought of being.. i understand where she may be coming from but the way she is she's very abrupt at how she execute things to others... if you were the receiver you'd think what a b#$* (beep), i understand both sides and truly she's not a saint herself, so she should treat everyone as if they're equal as people are not perfect and so is she...i reassured others to confined in me too if there's issue, i ain't going to bite and if ever i can put a solution to their issue/problem... haha so missing my EE job (escalations expert - complaints manager) i guess i have a nak for being patient with others no matter what...

i should become a psychologist, counsellor  something, i fit the role, i just don't have the paper that says i can... i should start charging ha.. haha nah i'm good... i'm the true friend that's on the quote... well i want to think so... but if others don't want too then *shrugs* not my problem...

so that's that... - it is what it is...

my being healthy bit... 
breaky: bacon and hotdog sandwich with little tomato sauce
snack: none
lunch: lucky me la paz batchoy instant soup, kransky, chicken & mushroom quiche (small)
snack: oats with cranberry and ligonberry oats crisps (3 pces)
dinner: beef linaga (beef broth) with potatoes and rice
10 x spirulina taken after breakfast & dinner
exercise: had OT at work, did not go to Zumba =(
i guess that's all i had to say... 

till next time... xoxo

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