Saturday, November 13, 2010

it's all about me...

oh my i forgot to do a blog yesterday... oh wells i'll blog it all... so the boring bits..

Friday menu
breakfast: spam & egg, rice
snack: fruit salad
lunch: hamburger & chips
snack: fruit salad
dinner: spam & egg, rice, porkchop
 mmm what happened yesterday? well nothing that i can blog such a boring day/night... usual stuff... work, drive home, fb.. what a night... just chatting to parents reminiscning things the past etc... normal night...
 Saturday - date with my bru...

breakfast: garlic rice & pork chop with vinegar garlic sauce
snack: none
lunch: poached chicken with rocket, pesto dressing, avocado, mushroom
snack: mm's
dinner: chilli chicken, flat rice noodles, fried bbq lamb w/chilli and bowl of rice
 today was all about me... its supposedly be taking my bru out for her bday but it ended up to be a "me" thing with a good friend... stress free, talking about life - sex life, relationships, siblings, anything and everything...
so the day starts off as picked up bru, then went to "magnolia square" at randwick race course... nice place love the stalls and bought photo thingys so cute.. the stalls are so home made, so cute... i love it.. the people are so smart at thinging of those crafty stuff..

it wasn't as big as i thought i think because they choose who sells... which is good.. so we stayed for awhile, then we were going to paddington for lunch... we saw a market in a pub so tried to find parking, so we did and we were about to walk up the hill then backtrack at the cafe we saw... and ended up staying there hahaha had our poached chicken salad - rocket, mushroom, avocado with pesto salad & sour dough... yummz we enjoyed it... love the atmosphere.. felt like in another city all together but up the road its such a hussle and bussle sooo nicee... love to live around there.. *sigh* one day maybe..
 so we stayed for awhile at the cafe.. then decided to go to broadway for ice cream as we had "grass" for lunch and watch a movie... got to broadway and no movies we can watch at that time, so we decided to go around to buy something to wear at bru's bday tomorrow... so bought accessories as can't find anything else... then had a pamper time - spa pedi/mani then shopped @ priceline...
dinner was spent at china town at this tiny chinese place specialising in chili chicken yummz.. then walked to chinese mall to this place the "pink" shop and its sooo cute, its a treasure inside.. thanks bru for taking me there.. its my new favourite it... the youthful shop i shall call it... so we'll see if the new range of youthful creams will my skin look fresh... hihi will keep u posted...

so that ended my night... i love it... tomorrow is another packed day before i start tackling my reports... OMG =)
 today i won't have any lessons any tweets phrases... i had a great time....

so till next time... xoxo

Thursday, November 11, 2010

all about relationships

going thru my tweets today and i thought hmmm, there's quite a few that i really like and share with you...

"love is blind, doesn't mean you always have to follow your heart and pay no mind to your head"
"The saddest thing that can happen is when one falls in love while the other wants nothing more than friendship."
"The most difficult thing = Hide your tears behind your smile."
and the most like one is
"I am me. I am not willing to change for you, or anyone else. Take me as I am, or watch me as I go." SNAP SNAP SNAP

so lets start... i'm not PMS'ing or anything but i'm in that mood with my experience on "relationship" "love" and everything else that goes with it...
everyone around me seems to be in love... my "skankalicious" group seems to be in happy mood because of LOVE so why not... i am a hopeless romantic after all... 

so lets start - my friends here well, most are married now so that's okay... only a handful of us are still single as in single no relationship and i think they're ok with it, meaning they're accepting and dating and whatever... my skank friends well they're in loveeeeeeeee and they do deserve to be in love... but its hard to fall for someone that you know will not be around with you aka long distance... not only is it a BIG challenge but its also all about trust... and a true test in your relationship otherwise.. there is always a will... as they say love conquers all... to those that are strong... i on the other hand is skeptical when it comes to long distance.. i know people who's survived and lived a happy ever after life and there are others that did not... i guess it all depends on the individual/s... 
as for me - again, i'm not too sure... we shall see... at this time of life yes i do dream of falling in love and be loved and am hopeful xfingers hehehe but one day it will come, but for now my focus will be "ME" and how to be a better me - health wise... 

in the flip side - love hurts i should know, i was burnt from past relationship.. its just been recent when i woke up and thought - i'm happy where i am and i've accepted it all, no more regrets no more anything... done deal... had dinner with a group of ladies tonight and half were married and half were single - have a friend who is well lets say lacking in the love department... i feel for her.. she's never really had one and the ones that she falls for well.. yeh.. hopeless case..

so that's my take on love on this fine day!! weather is getting hotter so i can't wait, coz i know i'll be sweating my butt off at the gym or wherever... sweat is good and my friend.. hehe more intake on drinks so will be taking more than 2L that's for sure... 

so the boring bit:
breaky: rice and meat (beefstik - meat marinated in lemon & soysauce)
snack: watermelon
snack: none
dinner: Korean BBQ - meats (proteins galore), kimchi, mushrooms, cup of rice, watermelon slices
drinks: water, tea
10x spirulina tablets

so that's it for me... "it is what it is"

till next time... xoxo

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

hump Day... yay

as my diet part of my life is quite boring, i thought i'd change the way I blog... so as I've said before i've been tweeting.. well not me personally tweeting but reads inspirational phrases and those that relates to me, i post on fb or re-tweeted..
so here's my tweet for today...
"True friends see the beauty of your soul & stand in awe, rather than standing in judgement of your flaws" tsw (the single woman) love her tweets favvvvv...

so applying that phrase to my everyday life and experiences... well its true..  think about it.. your true friend is someone who will be there for your thru thick and thin... they last longer than relationships so they know you inside out... i think they know you too well than your own family... so they do see the beauty and the bad of your soul and stand beside you all the way or in some cases tells you its wrong.. its up to yourself to take it in and trust or not but still your friend is there beside you all the way.. true friendship... yes sometimes they can judge you but because they love you and don't want anything bad for you, so once again its up to you to take it in as you please - angry or not... i say people come in and go during your life but finding a true blue friend is rare.. someone whom you can trust thru out with anything your darkest secrets etc... i have not found one that i am comfortable to say every little niknaks of my life... i have had a few which knows more of me, but not all... i dont know.. i have issues when it comes to opening up every single thing...
i am grateful though that i have made a lifelong friendship with a handful of people whom i adore.. actually i have a few group of friends who i so care and love... friends as i say is my 2nd family and most important in my life...

so friends hay... in another note of friendships - i was in chat with a group of friends another set that is... and everyone seem to hate a certain person... someone whom i never have thought of being.. i understand where she may be coming from but the way she is she's very abrupt at how she execute things to others... if you were the receiver you'd think what a b#$* (beep), i understand both sides and truly she's not a saint herself, so she should treat everyone as if they're equal as people are not perfect and so is she...i reassured others to confined in me too if there's issue, i ain't going to bite and if ever i can put a solution to their issue/problem... haha so missing my EE job (escalations expert - complaints manager) i guess i have a nak for being patient with others no matter what...

i should become a psychologist, counsellor  something, i fit the role, i just don't have the paper that says i can... i should start charging ha.. haha nah i'm good... i'm the true friend that's on the quote... well i want to think so... but if others don't want too then *shrugs* not my problem...

so that's that... - it is what it is...

my being healthy bit... 
breaky: bacon and hotdog sandwich with little tomato sauce
snack: none
lunch: lucky me la paz batchoy instant soup, kransky, chicken & mushroom quiche (small)
snack: oats with cranberry and ligonberry oats crisps (3 pces)
dinner: beef linaga (beef broth) with potatoes and rice
10 x spirulina taken after breakfast & dinner
exercise: had OT at work, did not go to Zumba =(
i guess that's all i had to say... 

till next time... xoxo

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Terrible Tuesday!?!??!!

so its Tuesday... well not really as its Wednesday here.. once again was too lazy to blog lastnight, but my mind is still fresh... i ain't old yets? hehe

yesterday was a hectic day... so work was super busy, and my catching up with friends were also busy and my friends overseas... it amazes me my group of friends here (mind you I don't have much) our conversations has gone from food to bigote (moustache) haha it's rather funny... you just to be in it... its such a love... i love my friends... they're like 2nd family... we get on so well big time... we all have different personalities and we know each other too well to know if someone is joking around or serious... love it... extended family that's for sure.. without them each person will go insane...

so i've been tweeting - handy to have an iphone that's for sure... well not so much of myself tweeting, i'm following some rather interesting people... i'm not into celebrities much... only celeb i have is Ryan Seacrest, Nicole Richie, Ellen - love Ellen and i think that's it... and the rests are inspirational people - @ihatequotes, @tsw - the single woman, DalaiLama and such, ohh not forgetting Food Network.. hihi... and i have had a few inspirational quotes that I use for my fb... and if i need to vent out i do it there.. thanks to my gff she gave me the idea... and also my bff for pushing me to go on it as he's there more than fb, but so dah coz he's got his tweeter linked with his fb... hahaha i don't.. u see family are on if i need to vent i'm on tweet expressing my feelings..achuchu.. haha

anyways, so my daily intake of food - well it was ok, until night time, my parents asked to get me to go to Sizzlers for dinner - all you can eat buffet - steak, salads are endless... and i must say I was good - plateful of salads and tastes of other stuff... so here's my list for today

breakfast/snack: banana, bacon and egg on brown bread with little butter and cracked pepper
lunch: half chicken schnitzel homous, tabouli wrap
dinner: plateful of salads, 2 spoonful of pesto pasta, small serving of spag to just taste, dessert: pavlova, choc mousse, jelly and custard (a spoonful - honest)
10x tablets of spirulina
oh that spirulina made me gooo, as in... hehe

so my quote for today "If we have a good heart, a warm heart, warm feelings, we will be happy and satisfied overselves" dalailama

i totally agree - major major like... its true.. think about it.. if u have a good heart, warm heart warm feelings it simply means we're happy and satisfied... so if we apply it to our everyday thinking then the world will be happy =) hihi

anyways, till next time...ohh yeh.. xoxo

Monday, November 8, 2010

Manic Monday....

Well its Tuesday morning and once again I wasn't able to blog lastnight... laziness... I hate feeling like this...

After work, went straight home as the weather was turning sour - hail storm and severe thunderstorm warning is in place so hurriedly went home... got home and was tired and hungry.. wanted to nap first before heading to dancing... failed super failed... laziness kicked in and I can't seem to brush it off... mind over matters mind over matters, well matters won this time around!! sucks yeh... *sigh* i surely need some kicking.. I miss having a personal trainer, but I don't have the dosh right now.. too damn broke...

the day went alright.. was good foodwise until the night... OH GOSH what is wrong with me.. arrgg seriously... i'm in the low and can't snap out of it... I need to snap out of this big time... can't stay lowwwww this long... sucks... so here's my food intake..

breaky: special K with berries cereal, full cream milk
snack: banana
lunch: rice, sauteed pork mince with choco (sayote)
dinner: garlic rice cooked in longganisa fat, sauteed pork mince with sayote
snack: 5 spoons of coconut/fruit salad (filo style with cream)
sayote plant
5 tablets of spirulina
sauteed pork mince with sayote

yeps, i've started taking spirulina as well... I forgot to take in the morning as i was hurrying.. I was taking it before and I stopped, as I'm lazy when it comes to medicines.. my mom lost heaps of weight with spirulina so I'm hoping I would too that is if I stick to it... 

another thing - i don't know what to do on facebook now... i mean i am always so eager before, now I log in, check out friend's stats, comment if need be and just do my games and thats it... once done it seems so boring now... so i went to bed, well watched tv then went to bed late, so woke up Tuesday morning so tired... arrgggg

in a brighter note: i just bought myself a bedroom set from my friends... so awesome, such bargain... I was in a look out anyways for something good and it seems okay their bed frames... so I bought.. yay... now i have to overhaul my room and get rid of stuff... I do want to get the floor boards in too... mm, wonder when I will be able to do that... hopefully soon... 

so lesson for today - got it from tweet world: "Don't make decisions when you're extra angry, and don't make promises when you're extra happy!" AMEN!!! thats why when I know i'm angry and I'm getting pissed off, i retract to my hole aka bedroom and stay quiet instead of blurring out my thoughts which may backfire.. and same as being too happy can't make promises I can't keep... *sigh*

so i leave you that lesson for today... something to think about... need to have some self control... i've learnt that it is true.. your life is at ease if ever...

so till next time... xoxo

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Semi Lazy Sunday

Oh gosh, I forgot to blog last night as I was really tired so i'm doing it this morning... woopsy...

so how's my Sunday.. well semi lazy Sunday that's for sure... hihi woke up early - damn internal clock and then tweeted and fb then off to la-land once again... then I was awoken by my parents as breakfast is ready... so had garlic rice cooked in longganisa fats yummy... and scrambled eggs & bacon... then just fb'd till I got ready to go to Ikea - free food, well you pay for the food and whatever amount you spent is your discount, I say its a good marketing deal as you tend to spend more than what you ate.

So off I went to Ikea with my mom... got some good ideas to my house renovations, what it may look and how much we would spend... not too bad and loving the new Ikea displays.. I love it there... mom bought some new curtains.. as christmas is approaching... so got one from the kiddies section, nice and colourful... then just a few odds and ends.. bought a big bin to put some of my junk...

I love IKEA for their innovative stuff... and for the affordable prices... love it love it love it... oh and i ate of course.. hehe and have some idea for xmas gifts... yay... productive =)

breaky: garlic rice, with tocino, longganisa, tapa, scrambled eggs w/bacon, vinegar with chilli, garlic
lunch: swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes, bit of salmon, potato cake thing, princess cake, daim cake
dinner: grilled chicken wings marinated, sinigang prawns and rice

so there you go, off the wagon again... i surely hate the weekend well the eating part that is, I just need to get off my lazy ass.. hehehe

I did clear my shed, placed all my stuff out and hoping that today (Monday) it shines, will air it out...

Well that was my lazy weekend, I'm hoping next weekend I won't be in the lazy state...

no lessons for this blog because I totally forgot, and so not in the mood unlike lastnight.. so

till next time... xoxo

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Lazy Saturday...

Today was not meant to be lazy... i woke up with the sun shinging so brightly then turned sour right about lunch time... i was still psyching myself to start with the unclutter mission... then the rain, THE RAINNnnnnn wahhh ruined my day... well i'm just lazy... lazy genes kicked in... so since then I've had carbs - spaghetti bolognese, bread.. you name it and then just slumped in front of the tv... on fb, on iphone, researching cookie recipes and cakes... OMG hay.. so i'm not going to list what i've eaten today because its a shocker... but but i need to be honest so here goes...

breaky: spag bolog, bread roll & butter imagine i ate late too.. sigh
snack/lunch: spag (around 4pm??), handful of doritos cheese corn chips
dinner: rice, prawns sinigang (tamarind broth filo dish) & longganisa (filipino version sausage), 6 tablets of spirulina, 5 ube otap (filo flaky biccie), 1 mango

seeeee i told you... and i haven't been exercising either... i'm so bad.. tomorrow will do overtime, eat healthily... and haven't been productive though too, but mind is raising like crazy... thinking about renos, which part of the house to start inside or outside... how much roughly will it cost me... xmas presents... xmas cake business venture.. so many all whilst watching cooking shows... *sigh*

sooo... i was watching Julie & Julia... i could never catch it so i keep watching the middle bit.. so thats how i got the idea of, well not just the idea of starting a blog but a push to really start one.. so here i am... blogging...

so here's my dilemma for today... me being lazy on a rainy day... so much to do and yet still so lazy... why... i need to snap out of this... this is something i need to work on big time as well as my diet... omg

i get so easily distracted by cooking shows, renovation shows, basically anything lifestyle... dreaming... so what did i do, downloaded Ikea's catalogue... haha sad... oh no, before i have to make sure i've sorted out the house and decluttered it.... woah so much to think about and so much to do...

but in a brighter note, i am making progress with the planning stuff... so it does count for something... i just need to take take it in action... hahaha

the dilemmas of being in my life... i tend to have a "lazy" day and they do kick in at different times.. usually 1's a month.. ok ok most weekends... 1 day of the weekend.. and when i am so eager to do things its monday already... oh man...

lesson for today ~ the best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your weakness and still thinks you're completely amazing... amen it is what it is...

till next time... xoxo

Friday, November 5, 2010

Rainy Friday...

TGIF... its still raining... its meant to be hot and sunny... err "SPRING"... where is it??
had a glimpse of it last week but didn't last long.. i'm loving the cold of course but at least bring out the sun.. i'm lacking Vitamin D aka sun on my skin.. hihi... maybe i shouldn't whinge too much about it, because when its hot I want it cooler... can't satisfy me that's for sure... well thats what i want to let out... why can't we settle for what we have.. we whinge about one thing and when its there staring at us, we whinge for something else.. OMG.. serious
FCUK 'EM... seriously... if the others don't like it tough...
so you're asking what i'm going on about... well let's just say there's a certain rule and what it say goes... I say fcuk em, if they don't like what you want done then too bad... what is up with that? i surely don't know.. we're adults, we work to earn and we run our own lives.. but yet the way it is, its like being in highschool... you just don't know...

anyways, i just need to let steam out... coz i'm sick of reasoning out... i guess i should just drop it... i can't make people change their minds, nor can i make everyone happy... so i will just breathe in and sigh out...

so my diet.... i was kinda bad... i call it a "reward" day...
breaky: all bran honey almonds
snack: mango, orange & kiwi
I whinge yes, but hearing other people whinge over stupid things... sigh... i'm sick of it... no matter you reason out still nothing.. stubborn... i guess i would be hard headed as well if I was on their shoes... so i say....

lunch: grilled burger & handful of chips literary converts to about 1 med potato
dinner: fried egg, garlic rice cooked in tapa oil and of course tapa... (tapa is a thinly sliced beef marinated salted with salt, sugar, pepper and other secret stuff - this is fried slightly and eat it with chilli vinegar or tomatoes with a little hint of fish sauce) heaven
snack: 2x coconut bread one of my fav...

mmm what else... work wise, we were busy coz a certain skank (friend) is on his way overseas... and i'm stuck doing his task... talk about bludger, meant to be on training mode but NOOOOOOOO he's off overseas... hihi... can u feel the jealousy... haha
well this is a good example of whinging... i whinge but i make do with what is out there, so what do i do? make do with who's at work and get along... so today was good.. had a few laughs especially teasing everyone's "Drool boy" errr *pukes* not my type.... and gave him $hiet.. haha poor thing...

lesson for today.... mmmm well that's it.. do what pleases you and if some opposes, well too bad...

till next time.... xoxo

Thursday, November 4, 2010

another day another success

well hello world... 4th day... and doing great... adrenalin is kicking in.. even though after work i may seem tired, when i'm at the gym i'm loving it... i hope i'll be a gym junkie soon... so i can shed these kilos...

i know its early days, here's a thought... i know i've been in this road before and everytime i'm enjoying myself i feel down after why because what if once i loose all this weight then i will meet someone or even a few... so unfair though because for me, what i look out for is what's in the inside not whats outside.. whether your tall, short, fat, thin its still you inside but yet first impression surely does matter... i've always had this thought that if i meet the right person then no matter what i look like as long as he loves me for who i am, then that's it, i will do everything in my power to shed the kilos... so why am i really going on a diet and wanting to feel healthy? to be happy? for me or to find mr right? mmmm

well one thing's for sure... i am doing this for my health and to prove to myself that i dont need a man to feel happy and healthy... and if he does come along well.. we will shall see... i'm not closing the chapter nor starting one... time will tell and will blog about it if there is...

as for my diet today well good... distraction is the way to go...

breaky: milk & all-bran honey almond
snack: kiwi fruit & orange
lunch: chicken schitzel, baked mushroom & asparagus
snack: kiwi fruits
dinner: rice & mung beans (yes i know again, too tired to cook and my dad didn't cook oh wells left overs yummo anyways) + 1 tiny sesame ball
and most important of them all - pot of tea...this time I used chinese green tea loose and i think its earl tea or something... so bitter but i dont mind..

my lunch looky looky yummz with a squeeze of lemon
so again with the subject of the heart.. well, the friend i was telling you before.. well just giving up... not entirely give up, just giving up on the thought of her and him... i say good on her, its been years... its time to learn to love herself first and enjoy what you have and make do with it.. if she wants something then go go go... my new motto in life.. go go go.. haha

as for me - well i'm good as i am... my priorities at this time is all about me - loving me and being healthy full stop .

lesson for today - love yourself before you love others... that is what it is...

till next time... xoxo

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

3rd day... loving it...

3rd day of my diet and guess what, i'm surviving... it is only the 3rd day, well technically 2nd first was a fail... hihi

so food intake for today are;
breaky: rice + munggo (mung bean dish)
snack: berry juice
lunch: an apple & lean meat pie
dinner: rice + munggo

so tired after my Zumba that I didn't have energy to cook my veg & chicken... I'll just have that during lunch...

I'd love to dedicate this to my "ANGELS" who keeps tab on what I eat and also pushes me to my limit.. like I was feeling lazy to go to gym after work and someone pushed me so I went and good thing I loved the class... it was an invigorating Zumba class... I loved it, love the energy and the sweat that came with it... with so much adrenalin I wanted to do more exercise but I was just too tired, so I went home...

so exercise and diet check, so what about the rest of me... mmm

well i'm still pms'ing well slightly now... still in the OPM (official pilipino music) I think thats what it is - basically soppy lovey dovey filipino songs with strong words about breakups, love etc... and my bgf (best girlfriend) well she's in the same boat... feel bad for her though, you see she's been so inlove with someone that well mmm well that's just it.. a big question mark... signs are there but nothing so what is it... and its just not easy to just blurb it out as there's consequences and I guess its not something she wishes to cross so she's been going through this day in day out for years.. i think 5+ years? i would not know what to do if i was in her shoes.. i'll go nuts that's for sure... as her special day is coming up will be whisking her away and we shall have a relaxing day, doing nothing but relax, chat and eat well munch hahaha healthily of course.. hihi and maybe catch some sun =)

so that's me, love life = 0... just feels like that time is running out but its all on my mind so gotta slow down the clock inside and enjoy life...

work well ehhh, i hope i get the backup job for WFO, doing scheduling etc so x-fingers!

for the rest.. nothing.. taking life as it comes...

lesson for today.... mmmmmz never loose sight in your dreams and wants, if you work hard enough for it you will succeed... i just hope soo...

till next time.... xoxo

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Diet: 2nd day well literary 1st day again

I was good, TG... but with a few slip ups.. but kept to my limit of 5 meals in the day... small meals.. my penalty an extra 5 mins on the bike at the gym... I think I have to enforce penalties so I learn...

so what did I have; mmmm no cheating
breaky: oatmeal and 2 spoons of pancit (filo noodles)
snack: berry juice & 1 piece of kiwi
lunch: pancit noodel (small take away container)
snack: cheese - small brie, cheddar cube 4, 3 feta cubes, salami 2 slices, 3 water crackers, small handful of chips, olives
snack: 1 kiwi fruit & banana
dinner: rice with monggo and little pancit (small portions of course)
and and to wash it all down 1 1/2 pots of green tea...

i did good so far for the first day... I think I will stick to this.. small portions and lots of fruits and veggies and drink lots of fluids..

tomorrow - special K for breakfast, lots of fruits still in between and no more slip ups just plain fruits for snacks... tea/water/juice and for dinner - baked asparagus, mushrooms & chicken schnitzel..

Oh I received this awesome read - wait let me copy and paste it here..
~oh now its too long and i'm trying to keep my blog to certain length.. mmm here's the link though worth the read and quite true if you think about it..!/note.php?note_id=438366477433

enough of dieting - i have another issue - my heart... today out of all days i'm starting to feel ehh... *sigh* ehhhhh i'm feeling

emo days - where i'm thinking and loosing faith if he is out there... and will it be too late if ever.. I still want a family with kids and feels like time is ticking.. i feel pressured... and then my gff starting posting soppy songs on fb.. so msged if she's in the senti mood and she is.. so she chatted about the songs and i listened, and got hooked.. OMG the Carpenters were on repeat... soppy songs alright.. old skool.. hahaha - while listening to these songs I was karaoke'ing (a word i've made up) and singing to them all.. OMG showing my age... hihi

so there.. i'm in that mood - senti, time of the month and dieting all rolled into one... talk about timing... brighter side.. its life.. without these "thrills" then we will have no life a boring life... so life continues... dieting continues... being senti mood continues... i will pass this phase, get over it and life brightens... i'm just pms'ing hihi

lessons for today: mmmm.... no matter what life brings u, u must soldier on... just remember there's a silver lining in everything...

till next time.... xoxo