Thursday, October 28, 2010

My 1st blog - Exciting

Ohh Ohh *bum* dance... my 1st blog... OMG so much stuff to learn... who would have thought there's so much you need to learn apart from just writing your thoughts... hehehe

I've been wanting to do this for awhile now, and today is the day I finally did it.  I guess I'm moving forward... baby steps baby steps...

Intro why I wanted to start my blog... well many reasons... my passion for life.. the ups and downs of being me and how i come about resolving it i guess.. no matter how low your life have been you just have to move forward to make it better... you ask its hard if your low.. of course its hard, i didn't say its easy, there's been times many actually that i would like to end it all and the whole world will be better off, i struggled big time... but still here i am, who wakes up each morning glad to be alive... no matter how our lives are at, we must live.. for ourselves.. if we want to make a difference then we have to tackle on... if we fall, then we get up and go on...

i hope this life experiences help see, I tend to keep all feelings inside as I have a hard time in talking to others about my life... I love to listen though and if I've experienced I will share my findings if not then I will try to understand.

this blog will be about everything... from love life - loneliness at this time =) hihi, to my cooking/baking, work place, family struggles, life's struggles... anything I've done or experienced in the day... and hopefully have a lesson after it all...

this is just a test blog... my starting date is Nov 1 2010... and so is my diet.. haha thats right, another push to this blog is my diet... my struggles... 

you see, my weight balloons... so hoping that this time around I will loose it and not gain back... I did loose some when I went to the Philippines as I could not eat because of the heat, now I'm back I eat.. OMG so the weight I lost I gained... mmm not good...

anyways, that's it so far about me... till Monday... I'll be bad this weekend and start fresh on Monday... =)


  1. First comment! Do I get a prize? ;)

    Keep on fighting the good fight!
